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The Wow Factor Michigan is guided by an advisory board of community partners. The purpose of the Advisory Board shall be to advise and provide guidance to the Wow Factor Michigan teams for baseball related functions in fulfilling its mission to coordinate, develop, instruct and play the game of baseball. The Advisory Board is encouraged to exercise the knowledge and experience of its members in anticipating and examining business, community and economic development needs. The Advisory Board has no legal or fiduciary responsibility for the Wow Factor Michigan, DBA Mid-Michigan Braves, DBA Michigan Area Braves, Michigan Braves and DBA ProChop Training. As used in these Bylaws, the term Wow Factor Michigan shall also refer to all associated organizations and shall refer to the Advisory Board of the Wow Factor Michigan (WFM).


SECTION 1 – Number.

Membership of the Advisory Board shall consist of 1 to 20 members selected from the Great Lakes Region until such number is changed by an amendment to these Bylaws.

SECTION 2 – Eligibility.

Members shall be selected to provide a broadly representative cross section of business, community, and economic development activity within the Great Lakes Region. New members shall be nominated by the President with input from the Advisory Board. This process may occur at a board meeting or at other times using phone or email.

SECTION 3 – Term.

Members of the Advisory Board shall serve for a term of two years and may be reappointed for additional terms.


SECTION 1 – Regular Meetings.

The Advisory Board shall hold 2 regular meetings annually. Meetings shall rotate among locations within the Great Lakes Region upon approval of the Advisory Board. Advisory Board members are expected to participate in at least one board meeting per two years, either by phone or in person, to remain in good standing.

SECTION 2 – Special Meetings.

Special meetings of the Advisory Board may be held on an as needed basis upon recommendation of the President or Advisory Board.


  1. To help guide the long-term strategic plan of the Wow Factor Michigan in accordance with its mission and the needs of the regional baseball community.
  2. To assist the Wow Factor Michigan in identifying the most pressing business, community, and economic development issues in the regional baseball community.
  3. To provide overall project direction and expertise for the Wow Factor Michigan initiatives.
  4. To serve in an advisory role to the Wow Factor Michigan President and staff in identifying potential applied projects, providing input on the implementation of current and new training plans, and providing feedback on future training initiatives.
  5. To help promote the work of the Wow Factor Michigan as a resource for advanced baseball outlets, recreation, travel and community groups, higher education institutions, and training facilities.


SECTION 1 – Special committees may be appointed by the President for such special purposes as deemed necessary.


SECTION 1 – There shall be dues and assessments for membership in the WFM, which will be fees charged for player participation. The amount of such fees shall be set annually by the President or Director. There are no refunds to players for fees associated with participation.

SECTION 2 – Players are to pay their memberships fees to Wow Factor Michigan to become eligible with the organization. The player membership fees will be set by each team for the current season of play. Payment of player memberships fees are due immediately. Teams may allow for a scheduled payment process for the players. This payment process will be provided to the players and or guardians. Players do not have a right to own equipment, uniforms, program instruction, facility usage, game play or any other branded property of the Wow Factor Michigan until their membership fees are paid in full. Failure to pay the full player fee amount will result in expulsion of membership and the players are required to return all Wow Factor Michigan property. If a player is not in good standing order in regards to their Wow Factor Michigan membership, the Wow Factor Michigan organization reserves the right to use any means necessary to recoup what is owed back to the organization. Actions by the Wow Factor Michigan organization may include sending the player (guardian) to collections, ligation, and suspension from the team and also requested suspension from national organizations including NABF, AABC, Perfect Game and USSSA.


SECTION 1 – The CLUB teams shall adopt the local playing rules of the WFM.

SECTION 2 – The local playing rules will be distributed to the managers of CLUB teams. Teams and players are to follow and abide by the provided playing rules.

SECTION 3 – No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances will be allowed at any WFM functions.

SECTION 4 – All Wow Factor Michigan membership members are to abide by team and league rules. This includes coaches, administrators, players, guardians, player family members and any other membership representatives.

SECTION 5 – The term player refers to those membership players with the team and their guardians, legal or otherwise.


SECTION 1 – Prior to each playing season, The President will accept applications from volunteer adult leaders wishing to serve as team managers and coaches. The President may provide Manager Application Forms for this purpose.

SECTION 2 – The President shall review applications and select managers and coaches for all teams. Applications include the following information:

  1. Coaching knowledge and experience, especially at the college and high school ranks.
  2. General baseball knowledge and experience.
  3. General character and conduct, especially past conduct within the WFM.
  4. Past performance within the WFM, especially in carrying out manager responsibilities, as defined by The President.

SECTION 3 – Managers will be allowed to select such coaches and assistant coaches as they deem necessary to conduct team affairs. Such coaches and assistants shall be subject to the same standards of conduct and eligibility as managers shall provide the WFM with the name, address and phone number of all coaches and assistants.

SECTION 4 – All managers, coaches and team associates will have to sign a WFM Member Agreement.

SECTION 5 – A manager returning to the same WFM team or CLUB shall have the option of retaining his team name.

SECTION 6 – The organization strives to add and work with college coaches, high school coaches and college players (past and present) to our staff. As an organization, we do our best to avoid having “daddy ball” head coaches within our program. Dads are allowed to be assistant coaches. If a dad is nominated to be a head coach, approval will be needed from the President.


SECTION 1 – All appointed managers within each WFM shall meet as soon as possible after appointment. The President will schedule a time and place for such meetings. The purpose of this meeting will be to review existing WFM rules, and to appoint individual WFM Representatives to facilitate smooth operation of each individual WFM.

SECTION 2 – Individual WFM Representatives shall be elected by managers from their respective WFM, and expected to monitor operation of his/her WFM, directed by their counterparts, the President.


SECTION 1 – All players can participate in a team tryout for the WFM. Associate teams can elect to have open tryouts or hold private tryouts annually.


SECTION 1 – Each Select Team Manager, elected by the President, may select an eligible coaching staff and business manager to assigned WFM teams and CLUBS. The President will oversee all coaches, team managers and team personnel.


To maintain status as a WFM manager, coach or member, all must follow the Coaches Conduct Policy or otherwise risk forfeiture and termination from the WFM. All WFM managers, coaches or members agree to the WFM Coaches Code of Conduct, which states as follows:

  • I will Conduct myself in a dignified manner relating to emotions, language, attitude and actions
  • Act at all times to protect the principles of fun, safety and development of all athletes
  • Demonstrate respect for the ability of opponents as well as for the judgment of umpires, officials and opposing coaches
  • Display control and professionalism at all times under any circumstance
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person, including opponents, other coaches, officials, administrators, parents, athletes, and spectators
  • Refrain from verbal abuse and physical contact with athletes except where necessary for the development of the athletes’ skill(s) or athletic ability
  • Be aware and understand the role and influence of a coach as an educator, imparting knowledge of skill as well as proper personal and social behavior
  • Be reasonable in my demands on athletes’ time, energy and enthusiasm
  • Provide an opportunity for all athletes to play the sport. Note that the WFM organization does not cut nor release players during the season unless approved by the President or the Board of Directors. Coaches are encouraged to work out any issues they have respectfully with players, parents or other members of the organization
  • Conduct tryouts yearly and provide honest and impartial feedback to all participants
  • Agree to uphold the principles of Player Development. Each and every player should be provided by the coaching staff the ability to progressively develop throughout the season
  • Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the level of the athletes
  • Seek to learn the latest coaching practices that take into account the principles of growth and development of athletes
  • Agree to abide by all applicable baseball rules and regulations, including USA Baseball’s Pitch Smart Pitching Guidelines


SECTION 1 – Each Select WFM Team (CLUB) will be responsible for team and individual expenses. The WFM President or Director may assist with expenses when needed, but WFM expenses will generally be the responsibility of each WFM team manager.


SECTION 1 – Each WFM Team is eligible to participate in tournaments. Each team is responsible for team and individual expenses associated with Tournament Play. Michigan Area WFM will assist with expenses whenever possible, but Tournament Play expenses will generally be the responsibility of each WFM team. The team Manager must use only the team players rostered on that WFM Manager’s team during the current season.


SECTION 1 – The Board of Directors or President shall have the authority to suspend, discharge, or otherwise discipline any player, manager, coach, team official, parent, or other person whose conduct is in violation of the Rules and Regulations adopted by the WFM, these By Laws, and/or at such time as it is considered to be in the WFM’s best interests.

SECTION 2 – Persons dismissed, barred, or suspended lose all rights within the team.

SECTION 3 – In the event of disciplinary procedure involving a player, or other person under the age of 18, that person’s manager and/or parent shall be invited to attend the hearing with the person concerned.

SECTION 4 – The President may impose any of the following penalties which, in their opinion, appears to match the severity of the offense:

  • WARNING – The offending person is advised of the offense and further advised that the repetition of the offense will result in a more severe penalty.
  • SUSPENSION – The offending person is to be advised that he or she has been suspended from all WFM activity for a specific number of games or days.
  • DISMISSAL – The offending person is advised that he or she has been dismissed from the WFM for the remainder of the current season.
  • BARRED – The offending person is to be advised that he or she has been barred from present and future participation from the WFM permanently or for a specific number of years.


SECTION 1 – The rules contained in the most current edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the WFM meeting ‘ and meetings of the Board of Directors and WFM Committees in all cases in which they are applicable and consistent with these By Laws and any special rules of order that the WFM may adopt.


SECTION 1 – These By-Laws may be amended by the authority of the President.

Parent Code of Conduct

  • I will not force my child to participate in sports.
  • I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youths, not adults.
  • I will inform the coach of any physical disabilities or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.
  • I will learn the rules of the game and policies of the team.
  • I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game , practice, or other Wow Factor Michigan event.
  • I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player or parent such as booing and taunting, refusing to shake hands, or using profane language or gestures.
  • I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well being of the athletes.
  • I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
  • I will teach my child to treat other players, coaches , officials, and spectators with respect regardless of their race, creed, color, sex, or ability.
  • I will teach my child that doing one’s best is more important than winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his or her performance.
  • I will praise my child for competing fairly and try hard and make my child feel like a winner.
  • I will not ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition.
  • I will emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit my child.
  • I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win.
  • I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will not question or confront coaches at the game field. I will take the time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time.
  • I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, all forms of tobacco and alcohol.
  • I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games or practice unless asked.
  • Understand that negative comments or ridicule of another player, family and/or manager or coach using any social media outlet is grounds for immediate removal from the program.
  • Understand that any disorderly conduct, confrontation or inappropriate behavior is grounds for immediate removal from the program.
  • Understand and acknowledge that the player season registration payments (team dues) are non-refundable. If a child is dismissed or voluntarily leaves the team the parents are not entitled to a refund and all monies are forfeited.
  • Understand that a late fee could be imposed, if the team payment is 7 days, or more, overdue. If payments are more than 14 days late, players may be dismissed from the team.
  • Understand that the coach or organization may impose additional rules, guidelines and/or policies that you’re required to follow and failure to comply with the rules, guidelines and/or policies is a violation of your commitment.

Violation Guidelines:

By signing your player up to play with the Wow Factor Michigan, you hereby affirm that you have read and agree to the Wow Factor Michigan Team Parent Code of Conduct (code) and accept that if you fail to conform my conduct to the Code you will be subject to disciplinary action in ARTICLE XIV.

Player Conduct Policy

  • Exemplify the highest moral character.
  • Recognize the individual worth and reinforce the self-image of each team member.
  • Provide 100% effort in practice and in competition.
  • Respect the integrity and judgment of game official.
  • Be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
  • Before the game, introduce yourself to the opposing coach, team and umpire.
  • Encourage your fellow teammates through positive feedback and do not humiliate, taunt or degrade your own team players or opposing team players.
  • Know that playing time is not a guarantee. Playing time is the PLAYERS responsibility. Want to play more? Then create more value to THE team. Ask yourself how can YOU make THE team better?
  • Abide by the rules of the game in letter and spirit.


NOTE: Playing Time. Playing time and position are not guaranteed for athletes, and there are many factors that can affect how much a player plays. Factors include:

  • Team Roster Size & Makeup
  • Coaches Discretion
  • Practice Effort
  • Playing Effort
  • Player Attitude
  • Parent Attitude


Violation Guidelines: By signing up to play (parent or player) with the Wow Factor Michigan, you hereby affirm that you have read and agree to the Wow Factor Michigan Team Player Code of Conduct (Code) and accept that if you fail to conform my conduct to the Code you will be subject to disciplinary action in ARTICLE XIV.


Revised: 8/1/2023